chơi xì dách online时时彩Endangered sea turtle returned to ocean

日期:2024-04-15 16:12:12  作者:wangshifu3389

Endangered sea turtle returned to ocean

CHÀM ISLANDS  — A sea turtle that was rescued and cared for by fisherman after it became trapped in a net, has been released back into the ocean.

The endangered species became tabled during storms that hit the central region back in November.

After getting trapped, fishermen rescued the animal before handing him over to the Chàm Island’s Marine Protected Area (MPA) management board who worked in conjunction with Đà Nẵng-based SaSa Marine animal rescue team.

Endangered sea turtle returned to ocean

Although the turtle had some cuts, he made a full recovery and was released back into the sea on Wednesday. 

Experts say the turtle weighs  一0. 五kg and is estimated to be around  一0 years old. 

Last year, a female Olive Ridley turtle (Lepidochelys Olivacea) was rescued and returned to the ocean after five months of care at the MPA.


Endangered sea turtle returned to ocean

